Luke Progeny

LukeProgenyEntry  Welcome to Luke's Progeny
1 Welcome to Luke's Progeny
1545969 872629886128956 6676885106173740487 n
11000581 1570174679903915 5056628399090575816 n  Bluewtich I love Paris
3 Bluewtich I love Paris
11081217 664373453667618 1917875756037098284 n  Jokari De Grand Champ D;Aubertans
4 Jokari De Grand Champ D;Aubertans
10847316 10205241908600242 3114821670801309139 o  BLUEWITCH jIMMY MACK
10152952946150451  Brilliant Kralovski Dar
6 Brilliant Kralovski Dar
934739 941774079167398 5235673359142027001 n  Lemon Manepo Ideal
7 Lemon Manepo Ideal
10635889 778261188897547 2326630718325383429 n  Classic Beauty Verny Tien
8 Classic Beauty Verny Tien
10169355 10154078632275451 1556087927974313514 n  Microgården's X-Factor
9 Microgården's X-Factor
11141394 913761098688154 2103858424 o  Tarentaine & Shelachan Just one Look
10 Tarentaine & Shelachan Just one Look
994274 477822488970359 626101921 n  Vignette z Dablovy Studanky
11 Vignette z Dablovy Studanky
10981960 10155399433970451 1453956513672863658 n  Bluewitch Jinglebelle
12 Bluewitch Jinglebelle
11076027 10155364534720451 578744429 n  Bluewitcch Jersey Shore
13 Bluewitcch Jersey Shore
10953955 1546826768905373 4435306082189219953 n  Bluewtich I love Oslo
14 Bluewtich I love Oslo
11046894 10155345795340451 976586343822822950 n  Bluewtich Joy Division
15 Bluewtich Joy Division
183395 401048743314401 129819702 n  No Name Fort Fox
16 No Name Fort Fox
10986952 1547883868799663 7030403336696408931 n  Bluewitch I love Oslo
17 Bluewitch I love Oslo
215710 401050326647576 1640668338 n  Cassandra de Shetlandu
18 Cassandra de Shetlandu
75230 408616145890994 1258266141 n
600798 477822865636988 1297341951 n  Verin Z Dablovy Studanky
20 Verin Z Dablovy Studanky
430161 477819958970612 570574485 n
1044186 480065678746040 679313911 n  Larra Lin Manepo Ideal
22 Larra Lin Manepo Ideal
1012645 480064688746139 376367981 n  Larra Lin Manepo Ideal
23 Larra Lin Manepo Ideal
10382723 10154187092505451 5502312164426656072 n  Lemon Manepo Ideal
24 Lemon Manepo Ideal
1925178 10202263559642974 1918431075 n  Vignette z Dablovy Studanky
25 Vignette z Dablovy Studanky
1959501 10202281752337780 1594780813 n  Angie Sparks of the Tempest
26 Angie Sparks of the Tempest
1901746 10202356580928448 203138887 n
10422427 10204731146751515 6194106845497910056 n  Bluewitch Jimmy Mack
28 Bluewitch Jimmy Mack
301934 499609926766953 1077611010 n  Vanity z Dablovy Studanky
29 Vanity z Dablovy Studanky
1511021 1540194452901938 5711427637381389231 n  Bluewitch Joy Division
30 Bluewitch Joy Division
10998860 10205271849308741 1510233365316326747 o  Join me in the flowers des lutins de Cassiopée
31 Join me in the flowers des lutins de Cassiopée
10712948 10154696682850451 3031346820201783095 n  Blluewtich I love Oslo
32 Blluewtich I love Oslo
19122 431345083707447 1422152016280808881 n  After Forever Sparks of the Tempest
33 After Forever Sparks of the Tempest
10426322 341310476068130 7797116275880357001 n
525720 10153163522520451 1236050387 n  Ragnali's Cornelia
35 Ragnali's Cornelia
15588 742814235838420 5174295190756578000 n  Join Me in the Sky des Lutins de Cassiopee
36 Join Me in the Sky des Lutins de Cassiopee
1508051 962210663789743 4427948034006560021 n  Bluewitch Jersey Shore
37 Bluewitch Jersey Shore
11033879 1559567030964680 2779221243552906227 n  Bluewitch I love Oslo
38 Bluewitch I love Oslo
11042957 1559542184300498 2834950213023961883 n  Bluewtich joy Division
39 Bluewtich joy Division
397663 10152466542435451 1935149606 n  No Name Fort Fox
40 No Name Fort Fox
945920 10152951133770451 140442189 n  Brillinant Kralovsky Dar
41 Brillinant Kralovsky Dar
1005123 10152951174665451 2098245622 n  Larra Lin Manepo Ideal
42 Larra Lin Manepo Ideal
ALLE 5 i Frankrike1  5 of Luke's children in France - they all look the same , but they have different mothers.
43 5 of Luke's children in France - they all look the same , but they have different mothers.
alle 5 i frankerike-2  5 of Luke's children in France - they all  look the same , but they  have different mothers.
44 5 of Luke's children in France - they all look the same , but they have different mothers.
Bluewitch I love Oslo from World Show Milano 2015 - CC winner, res CACIB, res World Winner  Bluewitch I love Oslo on World Show Milano 2015 - CC winner, res.  CACIB, res. World Winner
45 Bluewitch I love Oslo on World Show Milano 2015 - CC winner, res.
CACIB, res. World Winner